There’s no doubt about it, switching from one packaging supplier to another takes work. For medical product manufacturers, it's an especially taxing process to approve a supplier or revalidate a design; and why would you if it's working?
The fact of the matter is, you wouldn't. Still, there are a handful of scenarios when it makes sense to take on the risk and responsibility of switching suppliers. Whether you’ve thought about switching for awhile and need help identifying the right opportunity or are wondering what circumstances can tip the scale in your favor, this article will help you figure out when and why to switch.
5 Moments Where Switching Packaging Suppliers Makes Sense

As we’ve established, switching from one product packaging supplier to another is no easy task. Still, if the reasons are there and the time is right, switching can make a lot of sense. Here’s a look at five circumstances where switching suppliers makes sense.
1. Your Expectations Aren’t Being Met
It might sound obvious, but it’s more complex than it sounds. Medical device manufacturers have a lot on their plate, and managing suppliers is just one small part that makes up the whole. If you start to really pay attention, it’s amazing how easily unmet expectations can become part of the norm.
Instead of accepting delays and disappointment as part of the process, companies stand to benefit by monitoring issues related to quality, on-time delivery, and customer service. Missteps in these areas are a minor inconvenience at best and an assault on your bottom line at worst. Now, this isn't to say errors and mistakes don't happen, because they do; but repetition or poor response to issues should be addressed.
In the beginning, suppliers need to win your business; once they have your business, they should continue earning it by meeting or exceeding your expectations.
2. You’re Starting a New Project
If there ever was an ideal time to switch packaging suppliers, it would be at the start of a new project. It’s a great time to look around at what options and opportunities an alternative supplier can provide, and you never know how one supplier’s capabilities may be different or better than your go-to supplier.
Different suppliers approach business differently. Some differences may be in communication style, cost structure, or turn time, as well as expertise in design, industry, and materials. For these reasons and more, at the start of a new project is a great time to have a look around and source a few competitive quotes for alternative packaging suppliers.
3. Your Current Program is Evolving
As your product or device evolves, it only makes sense that your packaging would too. If your existing program is changing, whether it be product design changes, material changes, or something else entirely, consider whether packaging design changes could be part of the evolution.
A new packaging supplier can put a fresh set of eyes on your current packaging solution and provide feedback. And regardless of the type of feedback, it’s going to be helpful. Positive feedback serves as validation that what you’ve got going is a well-oiled machine. On the other hand, constructive feedback will offer ideas or inspiration for where you can take your packaging design.
As you go to revalidate your device or a component on that device, it’s just smart business to include a packaging reevaluation.
4. You’re Considering Domestic Solutions
After the many ways 2020 has impacted the supply chain, many manufacturers are reconsidering their reliance on international vendors and seeking out domestic suppliers for their custom packaging needs.
5. You’re Looking to Innovate
A large part of remaining relevant within competitive industries is the ability and willingness to innovate. And with medical device packaging, innovation can look a lot of different ways. It can be a design modification that makes a device more convenient and accessible to the end user. Innovation can make packaging use fewer materials, new and improved materials, or more eco-friendly materials. If your innovation is open-ended, the potential is there to impact cost, efficiency, turn time, sustainability, and more.
At the end of the day, switching packaging suppliers can allow for innovations that support the growth and vitality of device manufacturers.
Switching Product Packaging Suppliers is Hard...
...but sticking by a supplier who underperforms, overcharges, holds back innovation, or otherwise fails to support your program as fully as possible is harder. For medical device manufacturers who’ve been reliant on a tried and true product packaging supplier, the pull to stick with what’s working can be a strong one. Still, the potential value switching suppliers can provide is worth considering.
The next time you’re starting a new program, changing your existing program, or feeling like your current supplier isn’t giving you enough, take a moment to see what else is out there. The results may surprise you.